What is Ransomware?

Tech Help LA What is Ransomware?


  • Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

How does Ransomware work?

  • Computers become infected with ransomware and other viruses usually accomplished by tricking someone into clicking on a Universal Resource Locator (URL) or link.
  • Ransomware can also spread by clicking on an attachment.
  • Ransomware is largely distributed by email typically containing documents like fake mail delivery notifications, energy bills or tax returns, according to reports from security company Symantec.
  • When users click on a bad link or attachment, the ransomware encrypts the computer’s hard drive, locking people out of computer files, including photos and music libraries and a screen may appear threatening to destroy the files unless a ransom is paid.
  • Recent reports are now finding new ransomware that can infect computers without clicking on anything.

Windows Operating System Security

  • It is well known that Microsoft computers often called PC’s are the most vulnerable to viruses and malicious hacks.
  • Microsoft’s latest computer operating system Windows 10 comes equipped with security utilities that are designed to protect computers from malicious attacks but does not protect the computer from the user’s own mistakes and falling into Internet traps that invite problems directly.

Mac Operating System Security

  • Although Mac’s have been known to be immune to viruses that would normally infect a PC in the past, there are increasing reports confirming that mac computers are also at risk to viruses and can surely be infected with ransomware.
  • Apple has announced recently that they have revoked the digital certificate that is required for ransomware to be installed.

How can I protect my computers from Ransomware?

  • If you use a Mac or a PC it is essential that you stay on top of performing all of the latest and newly released operating system security updates. This alone makes a big difference as it pertains to security and even general performance.
  • There are many tech support companies that provide security services for home and business computer users. If you are not 100% confident that you can maintain your own computers and protect your data using a reliable backup solution you should contact a trustworthy tech support company and have a technician check and maintain your computer at least 1-2 times per year.
  • Ultimately, think of your computers, devices, and your network like you do your cars or even your physical body. You need to perform recurring maintenance and checkups to ensure the best health and performance. If you do not have the knowledge or expertise to do these things yourself, you should contact a professional.

Author: Tech Help LA

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